1.8kg 6 Piece Hula Hoop Adult

✔ WAVE DESIGN: Special wave-shaped design with massage waves.
✔ TRAINING: Slim waist, toned core muscles, firm connective tissue and trained pelvic floor
✔ SUBSTANCE CHANGE: Stimulation of blood circulation, increase in metabolism associated with weight loss and increased fat burning
✔ MATERIAL: High-quality and stable PE plastic core, covered with a soft and skin-friendly EVA foam material
✔ INTERPRETATION: Beautiful design and pleasant feel and bright colors. Easy to assemble and disassemble with the help of one-click system.
✔ SATISFACTION: Our brand MIGHTY PEAKS stands for familiar and reliable CUSTOMER SERVICE.
✔ ECONOMY-SET: We always try to offer you the best price and would like to provide you with individually tailored packages for your training -Information about our savings-set discounts.
Erlebe ein besonderes Hula Hoop Erlebnis mit MIGHTY PEAKS!
Die einzigartigen Massagewellen machen dein Training nicht nur effizienter, sondern auch unglaublich angenehm.
Trainiere Bauch und Rücken, straffe dein Bindegewebe und stärke deinen Beckenboden - alles gleichzeitig!
Mit dem Hula Hoop Reifen triffst Du die richtige Wahl für ein ganzheitliches Workout.
Gesundheit steht im Mittelpunkt unseres Hula Hoop Erlebnisses.
Forme deine Taille, kräftige deine Rumpfmuskulatur und fördere gesundes Abnehmen.
Steigere deinen Energie-Stoffwechsel und rege den Blutkreislauf an - für eine optimale Fettverbrennung.
Verbessere zudem deine Körperhaltung und Koordination, während Du mühelos Bauch, Rücken und Beckenboden trainierst.
Unser Hula Hoop besteht aus hochwertigem PE-Kunststoffkern, umhüllt von weichem, hautfreundlichem EVA Schaummaterial.
Mit einem Gewicht von 1,8kg und einem Durchmesser von 1m in 6 Teilen, ist er ideal für deine Bedürfnisse.
Starte mit 2-4 Minuten täglich und steigere Dich sanft auf 15-20 Minuten pro Tag.
Vom durchdachten Design bis zu leuchtenden Farben - jeder Aspekt unseres Hula Hoops wurde mit Liebe zum Detail gestaltet.
Das One-Click System ermöglicht einfache Montage.
Profitiere von individuell abgestimmten Spar-Sets zu unschlagbaren Preisen.
Stelle Dir dein eigenes Paket zusammen und erlebe exklusive Rabatte.
HIER erfährst Du mehr über unsere Spar-Set-Angebote.
MIGHTY PEAKS steht für zuverlässigen und familiären Kundenservice. Nicht zu 100% zufrieden? Sende deinen Hula Hoop innerhalb von 14 Tagen zurück und erhalte den vollen Kaufbetrag zurück. Mit MIGHTY PEAKS gehst Du kein Risiko ein.
✔ WAVE DESIGN: Our adult hula hoop has a special wavy design with massage waves to make your workout EFFICIENT and as ADVANTABLE as possible. The fitness hoops allow you to workout at the same time - massaging your abdomen and back, toning your connective tissues and exercising your pelvic floor. MIGHTY PEAKS is the right choice!
✔ HEALTH: Training with our Hula Hoop allows you to achieve a slim waistline, toned core muscles, healthy weight loss and increase energy metabolism and blood circulation, combined with weight loss and increased fat burning. It will also improve posture and coordination, while providing an abdominal, back and pelvic floor workout.
✔ MATERIAL: Your new Hoola Hoop is made of a high quality and sturdy PE plastic core, which is covered with a soft and skin-friendly EVA foam material. The hula hoops have a weight of 1,8kg a diameter of 1m and consist of 6 parts. To avoid muscle soreness and slight bruising during the familiarization phase, you should exercise for a maximum of 2-4 minutes per day for the first week and slowly increase to a maximum of 15-20 minutes per day.
✔ THOUGHT THROUGHOUT: From the design to the feel, the bright colors, the easy assembly and disassembly using the one-click system, every part of our Hoola Hoop is designed with love down to the smallest detail. With easy disassembly, you can easily take your hoop to the gym, office or on vacation.
✔ ECONOMY-SET: We always try to offer you the best price and would like to have customized packages for your training. You can create your own set and benefit from automatic discounts - find out more about our savings set discounts here.
✔ SATISFACTION: Our brand MIGHTY PEAKS stands for familiar and reliable CUSTOMER SERVICE - and are always available for you via phone, email or Instagram. If you are not 100% satisfied with the hula hoop, simply return it within 14 days and we will refund you the full purchase amount - you take no risk.
Hula Hoop 6-teilig
V-TRADING UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG
Mattenheimerstrasse 8
96050 Bamberg
Verantwortliche Person:
V-TRADING UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG
Mattenheimerstrasse 8
96050 Bamberg